Introducing How Stories Happen, Where Creators Dissect Their Signature Stories (Like Song Exploder for Our Work)

How Stories Happen is my new show where creators, entrepreneurs, and experts dissect their signature stories and important drafts, piece by piece. We hear how they found the idea, how they developed their story, how it might improve, and how they’re using it to build their business and leave their legacy.

This is a show for people like you focused on standing out easier and resonating deeper through substance and stories, NOT all those hollow stunts we can’t stand online today.

It turns out there’s a difference between “learning story” and being a storyteller. This show explores that difference by putting the actual crafting of the work on display.

As Ira Glass says, “Great stories happen to those who can tell them.” He isn’t saying stories only appear to folks who have mastered the craft. He’s saying … it’s a craft. You don’t experience stories. You experience life. Then you turn that into stories.

How do stories happen? They don’t. Life happens, then you turn THAT into stories.

How do stories happen? Through the craft — a combination of your posture, process, and practice. You don’t just convey what happened beat for beat. You carefully construct the story to convey emotions and extract insights.

How do stories happen? I guess you could say, they happen on purpose. This show explores that purposeful creation.

Storytellers don’t need experience anything extraordinary.

They know how to imbue meaning into things that are ordinary.

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If you’re new to my work, hello! I’m Jay Acunzo.

I’m an author, speaker, and podcaster, with nearly 20 years of business storytelling experience, working for brands like Google, HubSpot, and ESPN, as well as writing books, giving speeches, hosting podcasts and docuseries, and more.

Today, I consult experts and entrepreneurs, helping them differentiate by developing stronger IP — including becoming better storytellers. Together, we develop your original premise (an idea you can own), your signature stories, and your pillar projects and frameworks.

My mission is to help people make what matters to their careers, companies, and communities. My grandest aspiration (and biggest delusion) is to be the Anthony Bourdain of business storytelling.

When I’m not hosting my show or working with clients, I run the membership program I cofounded, the Creator Kitchen, and spend the rest of my time coloring and giggling on the floor with my kids or watching my New York Knicks learn how to be a competent basketball organization again.

Keep making what matters!

Jay Acunzo